Using The PERT Chart
Switching to the PERT chart
Creating tasks
Amending tasks
Linking tasks
Unlinking tasks
Deleting tasks
Moving tasks
Viewing the whole Project
Moving around the PERT chart
Inserting task information
Customising the PERT chart
Changing the information displayed in the task nodes
Changing the format of nodes
Printing the Pert Chart
Using Calendar View
Switching to Calendar view
Inserting tasks
Linking tasks
Deleting tasks
Viewing tasks for a specific day
Viewing the project
Viewing a project month by month
Entering recurring tasks
Review of resource driven v fixed duration tasks
Resource driven scheduling
Fixed Duration scheduling
Using resources with multiple projects
Creating a resource template
Using the resource template with a new project
Avoiding Resource Assignment Conflicts
Using Resource Levelling
Changing the priority of tasks
Levelling resources
Formatting a Project
Inserting headers, footers and legends
Page breaks
Removing a page break
Removing all page breaks within a project
Changing the timescale
Changing the bar colours
Formatting text
Format painter
Task Constraints
Setting a constraint
Entering lag time between tasks
Entering lead time between tasks
Entering a task dependency
Using other views
Entering work done using the mouse
Entering work done using the tracking toolbar
Entering overtime
Monitoring The Project
Viewing the critical path
Using a filter to view the critical path
Using the Gantt chart to view the critical path
Monitoring slack time
Using filters
Assigning fixed costs
Problem Solving
Controlling costs
Scheduling conflicts